So, last week, I turned twenty – three and wow, I feel officially old. Like, not ‘old’ old, but old enough to realize I am not a kid anymore. And as I look ahead to my 23 year of life, I feel inspired.

Last year, I saw Jesus more at work in my heart than ever, fell in love with Landon even more, watched my baby grow into a toddler, launched two businesses, ran a marathon, and so much more.

And this year, at 23, I am so excited to see how God is going to use this year to refine me, make me more like Him,. dream big dreams, conquer big goals, run long races, and live a lot of life. As I continue to pursue Jesus, love Landon and Niah, help help women find confidence and clarity with their running while also building a shampoo biz to help create a freedom and flexibility, my desire is this:

“God Hold us to that which drew us first, when the Cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else.” Amy Carmichael

My main heart’s desire this year is to love Jesus most, to shine His love to my family, friends, strangers, and neighbors. I have a ton of other goals for this 23rd year of life and I am so excited to see what is in store for this next year of life. I’ve learned so many things and one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned this past year is that my identity and my worth is found in Christ alone, not in what I do, what I look like, wear or where I live. But, I feel like that is a whole different blog post. Maybe I will write about that next week? Until then, I’m going to soak in this new week of being 23 and enjoy anticipating all the exciting plans God has in store.

A couple random goals/dreams for my 23 year!

  1. Finish my capsule wardrobe > I am SO excited to be getting closer to this goal being finished. I love having functional, cute clothing that doesn’t take up a ton of spcae
  2. Continue growing my online businesses. > Right now, I am blogging, coaching runners and running a shampoo biz. And I am loving it! My goal is simply to continue to find my voice, build my tribe, and help a whole bunch of people.
  3. Run another half marathon and PR. Enough said.


So here’s to a new year and a fresh new start! Here’s to trying and dreaming and hoping and working and living and loving. Here’s to loving Jesus and serving others!